Heirloom Seeds & Poultry
1878 230th Street, Calamus, IA 52729
(563) 246-2299
(52 varieties to choose from) UPDATED FOR 2024
We have separated out these varieties for their thick flesh and because their predominant use is for paste or sauce. We’ve established this category from our data. Classification here in our catalog does not always agree with everyone’s opinion. Packets will contain at least 25 seeds, usually 50 to 100.
Doucet’s Plum Producer (Doucet’s Q-1121)
Doucet’s Plum Producer (Doucet’s Q-1121)- Early, Determinate, very hard, 4 oz. blocky plum, red outside with a deep red inside, paste tomato with exceptionally high yields. This is an outstanding early, paste tomato for short season areas. Developed in Quebec. Pkt. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed
Goldman’s Italian American
Goldman’s Italian American- Mid-season, Indeterminate, Regular Leaf, high yielding, about 1 lb., blood red, ribbed paste tomato. Fruit is fig shaped and described by Amy Goldman as “very heavy in the hips”. Reasonably firm, meaty and juicy; makes a very creamy sauce. Named for Amy’s father’s grocery store in Brooklyn. Pkt. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed
Greenbush Italian
Greenbush Italian - Mid-season, Indeterminate, Regular Leaf, large blocky paste oxheart type with excellent yields of 1 pound plus fruits. A true oxheart type grown for years in the Greenbush area of Madison, Wisconsin by both German and Italian immigrants. Thanks to Martin Longseth for sending this to us. Pkt. $2.75 Certified Organic Seed UNAVAILABLE FOR 2024
Kiev- Mid-season, Semi-determinate, Regular Leaf, high yield of fruits, bomb shaped, in the one pound range, some concentric cracking, somewhat meaty but juicy as well, good foliage cover of very narrow leaves. Seed origin is from an immigrant to the US who brought the seeds from Kiev, Ukraine. Pkt. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed SOLD OUT AS OF FEBRUARY 15 2024
New Zealand Pear
New Zealand Pear- Mid-season, Indeterminate, 4 oz. pink pear shaped fruits. I obtained this one from a lady at the Nez Perce County Fair in Idaho in 1982. She had brought the seed back from a trip to New Zealand. I was immediately impressed with the color, shape and texture of the fruit. Pkt. $2.50 Certified Organic Seed
Opalka- Late, Indeterminate, Regular Leaf, high yield of 3 to 5 inch long fat paste tomatoes usually with a knob at the blossom end, great for either sauces (very few seeds and meaty) or fresh eating. Seeds originally from Poland. PKT. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed SOLD OUT AS OF FEBRUARY 15 2024
Sarnowski Polish Plum
Sarnowski Polish Plum- Mid-season, Indeterminate, Regular Leaf, wispy droopy foliage, heavy set of 8 to 12 oz red fruits, about 3 to 4 inches long, few seeds, knob at the bottom, mostly singles but some doubles and rarely some triples, great for paste, very meaty. From the Sarnow river area of Poland to the US in the late 1890’s with the Sarnowski family Pkt. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed SOLD OUT AS OF FEBRUARY 15 2024