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Plant early (as soon as the ground can be worked) and plant 1/2 inch deep.  Thin to keep 4 to 6 inches between plants.  The best tasting specimens are obtained when blanched and grown to mature after frost.  You may plant a second planting in late July for a Fall crop.  I blanch the plants by covering with old tubs or cardboard boxes.  The blanching process usually takes 10 days to 2 weeks.  (Approximately 900 seeds/pkt.) Updated for 2025


Full Heart Batavian

Full Heart Batavian- 85 days- Wide, wavy leaves with irregular edging Plants can get very large when spaced far apart.Works well in salad mixes when harvested in the very tiny stage of growth. When it matures in the cooler parts of the season and is blanched the leaves have a soft buttery texture and are very tasty.  When I was living in the mild Lewis -Clark Valley in Idaho I used bushel baskets to cover the plants for a week to 10 days as the fall temperatures cooled and the result was a very tasty treat..  Pkt. $1.50


Green Curled

Green Curled- 80 days-  Finely cut, dark green curled leaves.  Hearts will blanch to white and spread to 12 to 18 inches.  When harvested in the very young tender stage it makes a nice addition to  salad mixes. Pkt. $1.50


Plant early as soil can be worked and a succession planting in late July.  Plant a few seeds per inch about 1/2 inch deep.  Thin as needed to 3 to 4 inches between plants.  Approximately 1200 seeds/pkt. Chicory and endive are the same species so it makes sense to keep them together. Updated for 2025

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Catalogna Long Green

Catalogna Long Green - 75 days - Rapid growing dandelion-like leaves.   Overwintered in garden produces tastier leaves early the following Spring.  Pkt. $1.50

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Mixed Radicchio

Mixed Radicchio- 80 days- A mix of 3 types that will provide a nice colorful mix of salad greens.  Best quality is obtained from forcing the roots.  I dig the roots in the Fall, place in tubs of dirt, put in my basement in minimal light and let them form loose heads of tasty greens in the mid-winter.  May also be picked directly from the garden in late Fall, but this will result in a stronger flavor. Pkt. $2.00

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Palla Rossa

Palla Rossa - 95 days - Heads have dark green leaves outside and red inside.  Not necessary to force.  Best planted mid-summer.  Pkt. $1.50

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Red Treviso

Red Treviso - 100 days - Long slender green leaves that turn red in the cool Fall weather.  Bitter and non-heading unless trimmed and forced.  When properly forced, produces a delicious mid-Winter salad green.  Pkt. $1.50

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