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Request a Printed  Catalog

We no longer send out a printed catalog by bulk mail.  Everything  can be found online at   You can download and print the 2020 Catalog by clicking  on the red and white  pdf. This is a brief version of our listings, showing only items that were available at the start of the season and much of the growing and planting information is not included. This is now (as of 2020) officially just a price list, no descriptions only variety names and prices.


There will be a very limited number of printed 2020 catalogs available starting in late February for those people who do not have access to the internet.  These will be mailed out by First Class Mail.  You will need to send a request plus $5.00 by regular USPS mail (no e-mail requests).  There will be a $5.00 coupon in the printed catalog that you may use to help pay for your first order.



For those who want a 2018 and 2019 printed catalog we still have some left. The cost of these will be $3.00 which is what it costs to mail them first class. There is no refundable coupon  for these outdated 2018 and 2019 catalogs but they have additional information not found in the 2020 version.


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